Monday, March 10, 2008

breathing ...


Okay. Here I am! Still breathing.

The tv is still on when I go to bed at night.

We still talk - in fact, I think the friendship part of it is the best it's been.
On the surface. Because I'm still sorta, kinda dying inside.

He thinks I've been indifferent lately; he can't figure me out. Does he really not know. What does a girl say, "Um, well see, I'm not indifferent. I'm just heartbroken ... because of you ... duh."

SB is still very much so stupid boy.

I think maybe I'm just weening myself off. That's what my sister said (she is so my saving grace).

Just living day to day and taking care of me is what I'm doing right now. I'm trying to focus less on him and what's gone on and more on me and what I need to do.

I think it's working.

It still sucks. But writing has helped. Talking has helped.
Heartbreak is not fun. Oddly, though, I suppose I can look at it as if I'm lucky I can experience such emotion. Although I'm not quite sure if I believe this in this very moment but I'd rather feel something than nothing at all.

Indifferent is a way I'll never feel. Even if I might wish I could.

As for the rest of life ... one of my best guy friends is coming to town (don't get any ideas!!!) tomorrow and I'm so excited. I haven't really seen him since the move in July. I'm sure we'll fill the visit up with our old crazy antics. And again, another blessing because it's exactly what I need. God sure is good.

I suppose this will be a series ... what's a girl to do to get over a heartbreak? Connect with dear friends, breathe, and drink lots of water.


Misty said...

All perfect solutions.....

Lindsey said...

What a positive perspective! God is good. He'll help you through this and everyday it will get easier...not yet better, but at least easier. You'll find your "old" self again.

Thank goodness for sisters! I'm blessed with one and she's the best:)

Thanks for sharing your "blooper" story with me.

Anonymous said...

sounds like ur heading down the right road! hang in there!

Krystin said...

I think that's exactly what a girl has got to do to get through this. Along with the occasional glass of wine, of course.

suchsimplepleasures said...

keep breathing, talking and drinking water!! it gets better!! really and truly!! from someone who has been there, done that, many times over!!

just jamie said...

I have a homework assignment for you over at my blog. :)

Unknown said...

keep your head up and each day should get easier...right? YES!

Erinello said...

i hope that seeing your old friend helps you remember the old you. heartbreak sucks; it is not glamorous like they make it seem in movies and songs. but you're strong, so you'll get through it.

marisa said...

Thinking about you all the time, and hoping you're doing good. You can do this!

KG said...

Yikes! Well, you already know my suggestion . . . there's no weaning with losers. There's just cutting and running! If you cut cold turkey, you'll get over it much faster. I know it sounds harsh, but you'll feel way better sooner.

Hang in there!

Laski said...

You're on the road . . . I can feel it.