Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Rash and the Visit

Well ...

Let's talk about the rash.

So, they tore my skin out. Tested it. Took a really, really long time to figure it out and after two long weeks they had results.


Really? REALLY??

But, oddly enough, it's gone. We'll just wait til it comes back and then try again.


So. Next up. THE visit.

Truth be told - I've never brought anyone home to meet the fam. But he isn't just anyone.

I drove 10 hours to the north a week beforehand to hang out with the family - and yes, I got to see two of my favorite people on earth: my sisters!

He came up the following Friday and can I just say that it was the absolute, most perfect weekend. The family likes him, the friends like him. It went better than I could have thought.

Mom's smitten, bro carried an actual conversation, lil sis joked, sis-in-law asked all the questions, dad told stories, friends sat and chatted for hours.

I smiled. And smiled. And smiled. I'm in love.

Well, this girl's got to get to bed. But let's just say - it seems like there was never an SB ...


So@24 said...

(said in a Jersey accent)

You got a rash that's givin you trouble?

Just tell ol' So, he'll get he's boys out there take care of it, badda bing, badda boom.

Long time no see!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear this went well.

And you talk about me and the cliffhangers? LOL Part two should have just posted (I scheduled it).

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad things went well!

Erinello said...

I want to hear more about the relationship- I'm so happy for you!

Kat said...

That is fabulous news! I'm so happy for you!

And thank goodness that rash is gone!

Anonymous said...

see...sometimes they do change. sometimes...keep ahold of him!! and dont let him go back to his old ways. or he will have a bunch of bloggers after him!!

marisa said...

I'm so happy for you! I love when the family clicks with the boy. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

*waves* Hey! You still there? Just come up from your love-induced coma :-) for a second so we know you're OK. And, you know, not being taken over by a flesh eating rash or something.