Friday, October 17, 2008

What's Keeping Me Away

My sister's on my case about writing a new blog - I started this whole venture into the bloggy world with big ideas and grand dreams of writing every day. Yeah, that didn't happen. It's a treat when I write twice in one month.

I have so, so much to say though. Lots to talk about. Silly stories, serious tales, and frightening experiences. I have thoughts in my mind that keep me awake at night as I stare at the ceiling wondering what I could have done, what I should do or where my next move might take me. I have these ideas from watching the news, reading facebook, and listening to my students chatter on.

I just don't share. Though I want to. Though I should. Though it would be good for me. Though it may be good for you.

I have no real reason I don't, either. I'n not preoccupied with toddlers using my body as a jungle gym. I'm not kept at work for yet another late night because work's piled up. I'm busy, but I have time.

I just can't share my stories. I think it's because there's this one story that looms over my head that once I write it, I have to let it go. And I'm not ready yet.

I'm about at the point where there's so much else to say that I'll find my way to writing again but I just needed these few moments. I'll share soon. I'll even share the story that's keeping me away. Soon.


So@24 said...

I always imagined you going into a coffee shop and typing on your blog like... every morning.

That picture is very misleading

ConverseMomma said...

Oh that sister of yours. So, she pushes you too, huh. Ya, she pushes me, and I kick and fit and throw little fits, but I love her all the more for it.

I want you to know that when you are ready, that story will fall into a safe lap, and willing ears.

Looking forward to getting to know you better.

crazymumma said...

Sometimes we get so full of words and thoughts and feelings it constipates us all up.

Woman in a Window said...

Hey you. It's me. Over here. You're there. (Oh shit, a ryhme is coming on.) Here, we'll share. Shit! I never so that! (Well, sometimes, I guess.) Looking forward to knowing you more.